My first long haul flight! Saying goodbye to my friends and family for 2 years! What a big step. It was sad but also exciting and I was so happy to have a travel buddy that was sitting next to me in the plane.
The flight went very well, the food we got stayed in my stomach and then after 9 hours we landed in New Jersey where we had wait in long lines to go through customs.
Questions after questions...
Why are you coming to the United States?
How long are you gonna stay?
What will you work?
How many hostkids?
How old are they?
What is your hostparent's occupation?
and and and...
Then we had to look for our shuttle bus to the HILTON HOTEL! Yes! That's where we stayed for our first days to complete a training that prepared us for our time as an au pair.
We learned everything we had to know, had a very busy schedule, a lot of food, went to an american mall for the first time in our lifes and did a bus tour through New York City, got stuck in traffic and suddenly saw president Obama stepping out of a helicopter! Was so good to see him before the americans voted for their next president.
Au Pair Pro Tipp: Bring a warm sweater or two in your carry-on because it was freezing in the class rooms!
And then, my next flight already awaited me!
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